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婚姻家庭 44℃












The Trend of Divorce When Children Grow Up

In recent years, the idea of divorcing when children grow up has become a popular trend that raises concerns. In my opinion, marriage should be based on trust and commitment, and it should ideally be lasting and fulfilling. However, as society constantly evolves, more and more couples are considering divorce once their children reach adulthood. This phenomenon has sparked controversial debates and critical thinking.


Some people argue that divorcing after the children become adults is for the sake of preserving their psychological well-being. They believe that children need a stable family environment to grow up in, and the conflicts and disputes between parents could cause severe harm. Therefore, waiting until the children are grown up would minimize the impact of divorce on their development. Additionally, they argue that adult children have independent thinking abilities and can understand and accept their parents' decision to divorce.

However, I do not support this viewpoint. Once a marriage reaches its breaking point, it is difficult to mend past wounds and regrets. If a couple remains in an unhy marriage solely for the sake of their children until they become adults, the children may face immediate emotional setbacks when their parents choose to separate. They may perceive their upbringing as one that lacks authenticity and stability, filled with uncertainties. In such circumstances, children might develop trust issues about interpersonal relationships and even lose faith in the institution of marriage itself.

Furthermore, divorcing when children grow up may also have a negative impact on their understanding of marriage. They might believe that marriage is not a commitment but a contract that can be terminated at any time. This perspective can introduce instability into their own future marriages, making them more prone to choosing divorce as an easy way out rather than working through problems. In the long run, the societal divorce rate may further rise, threatening the stability of family relationships.

In conclusion, the idea of divorcing when children grow up may seem logical from certain perspectives, but it fails to account for the potential negative consequences. For the well-being of both parents and children, it is crucial to proactively address marital issues and seek professional help if needed. By fostering open communication, understanding, and commitment, couples can work towards building a strong and lasting marriage that serves as a positive example for their children and future generations.