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合同纠纷 47℃



Cooperation is an essential aspect of business growth and development. In order to establish successful partnerships, companies often enter into supplemental agreements to further define the terms and conditions of their collaboration. These agreements, known as cooperation supplementary agreements, provide specific provisions and guidelines to ensure the smooth operation and mutual benefits of both parties involved. In this article, we will explore the general contents and guidelines for writing a cooperation supplementary agreement.

Cooperation Supplementary Agreement: Definition and Purpose

A cooperation supplementary agreement is a legal document that serves as an extension or addition to an existing cooperation agreement. While the main cooperation agreement outlines the fundamental terms and conditions of the partnership, the supplementary agreement further clarifies specific aspects, addresses possible contingencies, or updates certain provisions. It helps to minimize any potential conflict or ambiguity and ensures the cooperation between the parties is executed efficiently.

How to Write a Cooperation Supplementary Agreement

1. Clear Identification: Begin the agreement by clearly identifying the parties involved, including their legal names, addresses, and contact information. This ensures that there is no confusion regarding the entities involved in the cooperation.

2. Background Information: Provide a brief description of the existing cooperation agreement, including its date of execution and the purpose of collaboration between the parties. This section serves as an introduction and reminder for all parties involved.

3. Purpose and Scope: Clearly state the purpose and scope of the supplementary agreement. Specify the specific areas or provisions that need further clarification or amendment and how the supplementary agreement will address them.

4. Terms and Conditions: Outline the revised or additional terms and conditions of collaboration. Specify any amendments to the original cooperation agreement, including but not limited to project timelines, deliverables, responsibilities, pricing, and payment terms. Make sure to provide clear and concise language to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.


5. Termination and Renewal: Define the circumstances and procedures for termination or renewal of the supplementary agreement. This section should specify the notice period required for termination and the conditions under which the supplementary agreement may be extended or modified.

6. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property: Reiterate the confidentiality and intellectual property provisions from the original cooperation agreement, if licable. Clearly state the obligations of each party regarding the protection of confidential information and the ownership of intellectual property generated during the collaboration.

7. Dispute Resolution: Include a section on dispute resolution mechanisms. Specify the preferred method of resolving conflicts, such as negotiation or mediation, and the jurisdiction in which any legal proceedings should take place.


In summary, a cooperation supplementary agreement plays a crucial role in defining and enhancing the terms of a partnership. By clearly identifying the parties involved, outlining the purpose and scope of the agreement, specifying revised terms and conditions, addressing termination and renewal procedures, and ensuring confidentiality and intellectual property protection, this agreement strives to establish a solid foundation for successful collaboration.


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关于价格的进行补充协议英文翻译 供参考!!! 补充协议 甲方: 乙方: 鉴于甲乙双方于2009年2月21日签署 合同(下称”合同”),在协商一致的基础上。
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signed by both party a and party b on the date of (hereinafter called “ original contract”).鉴于:甲方和乙方于 年月 日共同签署了 * 合同,双方本着互利互的原则。