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逾期资讯 94℃



When you use a service like Fenqile to pay for purchases in installments, it's important to make sure you can pay your bills on time. If you miss a payment, it can have a negative impact on your credit score. In fact, if you are more than 30 days late on a payment, Fenqile may report the delinquency to credit bureaus, which can stay on your credit history for up to seven years.

This is why it's important to keep track of your payment due dates and make sure you have enough funds to cover your payments. If you are having trouble making your payments, you should contact Fenqile as soon as possible to discuss your options.

In summary, missing a payment on Fenqile can lead to a negative impact on your credit score, so it's important to make sure you can pay your bills on time. If you are having trouble making your payments, reach out to Fenqile to discuss your options.


头像 红艳 2023-11-25
请问信用卡逾期会上征信吗,有人知道吗,可以告诉我吗?信用卡逾期也会上征信的。要是信用卡逾期了,银行都会将逾期记录上传至中国人民银...关于“信用卡逾期次会上征信吗”的问题。信用卡逾期一次会上征信吗?据悉逾期一次只要及时还款对贷款影响不大,通常逾期超过三次才会有不良信用记录。 如果是偶尔逾期,且时间不长,银行还是会给予优,但若逾期次数超过3次。
头像 瞻云云 2023-11-25
信用卡逾期一次会上征信吗 信用卡逾期不会上征信目前各银行对信用卡还款,都有不同程度的宽限期,只要在宽限期内还款,逾期记录就不会被上报给央行。
头像 流年风月 2023-11-25