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普洱茶 50℃










The price of GaoLi GongShan Puer Tea varies depending on the variety, quality, and market demand. Puer tea is a compressed tea originating from the Puer region in Yunnan. Its characteristics include a bright red color, an orange-yellow tea soup, a mellow taste, and the potential for aging.

GaoLi GongShan is one of the main original areas of Puer Tea and is also a mountainous region with ecological tourism and tea industry as the main economic pillars. Puer tea from this region is mainly made from Emei variety (also known as large-leaf variety), which has excellent quality and unique flavor, making it highly sought after and respected by tea enthusiasts.

The price of GaoLi GongShan Puer raw tea depends on factors such as the age of the tea trees, the tea's production area, the altitude of the tea gardens, and the tea-making process. Generally, the price of GaoLi GongShan Puer raw tea ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan, while the price of some high-quality premium Puer raw tea can reach thousands of yuan.

In some famous Puer tea production areas in GaoLi GongShan, such as Mandi Gu and Haiwu, the prices of some high-mountain old-tree Puer raw tea may be higher. This is because the growing conditions in these areas are more favorable, leading to better aging potential and quality assurance.

Moreover, some rare high-mountain old-tree Puer raw tea, such as century-old ancient tree Puer, has even higher prices, reaching thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan. These teas can not only be enjoyed but also serve as investments and collectibles.

Overall, GaoLi GongShan Puer raw tea is relatively expensive. However, for enthusiasts, buying these teas not only allows them to taste the mellow flavor but also enables them to experience the culture and history of tea itself. In addition, it also promotes and supports the tea art and tea culture.

When purchasing GaoLi GongShan Puer raw tea, consumers should pay attention to choosing legitimate channels to avoid buying inferior or adulterated teas, ensuring the purchase of high-quality Puer tea.


头像 怪物猎人 2023-11-23
头像 路人志强 2023-11-23
头像 田喜军 2023-11-23
销售总量:件销售总额:¥0元 浏览量:0 品种:普洱茶-普洱茶 统一编号:se店内编号:40 属性:普洱茶饼,2010-2019年 ,,云南, ,,, ,,, 。