第十一条 有效期及续签
1. 本补充协议的有效期自双方签署之日起,至原始协议生效之日止。双方同意,在有效期届满前,不得单方面止或修改本补充协议。
2. 双方在本补充协议有效期届满前,可协商续签或修改本补充协议,并通过书面形式提前至少30天通知对方。若双方未能就续签或修改事达成一致意见,本补充协议将自动止。
3. 续签或修改本补充协议的条款和条件应在续签或修改生效前完成,并经双方签字确认。续签或修改后的补充协议具有与原始协议同等法律效力。
Article 11 Validity Period and Renewal
1. The validity period of this Supplementary Agreement shall commence on the date of its signature by both parties and shall continue until the effective date of the original agreement. Both parties agree not to unilaterally terminate or modify this Supplementary Agreement prior to the expiration of the validity period.
2. Prior to the expiration of the validity period of this Supplementary Agreement, both parties may negotiate the renewal or modification of this Supplementary Agreement, and provide written notice to the other party at least 30 days in advance. If the parties fail to reach an agreement on the renewal or modification matters, this Supplementary Agreement shall automatically terminate.
3. The terms and conditions for the renewal or modification of this Supplementary Agreement shall be finalized and confirmed by both parties in writing before the renewal or modification takes effect. The renewed or modified Supplementary Agreement shall have the same legal effect as the original agreement.