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翡翠 51℃





1. 玉石在文化中有着独特的地位,被视为吉祥,象征着美好、幸运和长寿。

2. 无论是古代还是现代,人对玉的情感都非常深厚,将其视为神圣的崇拜对象。


3. 玉器作为一种文化遗产,不仅具有艺术价值,更承载了人们对美好生活的向往和渴望。


Jade has a special place in Chinese culture and is regarded as a symbol of good fortune, beauty, and longevity. Throughout the development of Chinese civilization, jade has played a crucial role in the lives of people. The love and reverence for jade by the Chinese people did not happen overnight but is deeply rooted in their culture. From the creation of ancient jade artifacts to the present-day admiration for jade, it reflects the Chinese people's love and worship of this precious gemstone.

Chinese people have a deep emotional connection with jade. It is not only seen as a valuable material but also holds spiritual significance. The belief in the auspicious qualities of jade has been passed down through generations. Chinese folklore often associates jade with protection, prosperity, and harmony. It is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. People wear jade accessories and keep jade ornaments at home to invite blessings and positive energy into their lives.

The artistry and craftsmanship of jade have fascinated Chinese people for centuries. The intricate carvings on jade artifacts showcase the skill and dedication of Chinese craftsmen. These artifacts not only represent the technical excellence but also embody deep cultural meanings. The designs on jade often depict auspicious symbols, mythical creatures, or scenes from nature. Each piece of jade carries its own story and cultural significance, making it more than just a mere object.

In addition to its cultural significance, jade holds a sentimental value for the Chinese people. It is often passed down as a family heirloom, symbolizing the bond between generations. Jade is treasured and cherished, not only for its monetary value but also for the emotional connection it represents. The passing down of jade from ancestors serves as a reminder of their legacy and the values they hold dear.

In conclusion, the Chinese people's love and worship for jade are deeply ingrained in their culture. Jade holds both cultural and sentimental significance, representing good fortune, beauty, and longevity. From ancient times to modern society, jade continues to captivate the hearts of the Chinese people with its elegance and symbolism. It is more than just a gemstone; it is a testament to the rich traditions and values of the Chinese culture.


头像 裘Benjamin 2023-09-02
头像 姜世伟 2023-09-02
头像 CHARLIE 2023-09-02
今天想跟大家聊聊,为什么人很多都喜欢玉石。 玉在上下五千年的华夏文明中,一直扮演着一个举足轻重的角色。可以说,华夏文明是从玉开始,一路见证着的历史发展和文化发展。环境的特殊性衍生了玉文化 人对玉的喜爱可以说是与生俱来的,这其中就是深深地收到了传统文化的影响,玉器文化与人自古以来的生存环境有着密切的联系 良渚玉琮。