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翡翠 82℃



1.1 平安:平安是人们一直以来所追求的核心价值,也是传统文化中最重要的愿望之一。平安扣翡翠寓意平安、安康,希望佩戴者能够远离灾祸,过上幸福安康的生活。

1.2 象征:翡翠是传统的贵重宝石,被视作吉祥之石。平安扣翡翠的设计形状常常采用吉祥的动物、植物等象征物,例如龙凤、孔雀、寿字等,寓意吉祥如意、福寿康宁。


2.1 龙凤:龙凤是中华民族的图腾之一,被视作吉祥的象征。平安扣翡翠常常采用龙凤的形象来设计,寓意高贵、权力和吉祥如意。

2.2 孔雀:孔雀是美丽而神圣的动物,被视作正气和美好的象征。平安扣翡翠中常常选择孔雀的形象,寓意吉祥美好、灵气焕发。

2.3 寿字:寿字是传统文化中的重要象征,代表着长寿和幸福。平安扣翡翠中常常设计寿字形状的扣子,寓意平安、幸福和长寿。

2.4 鸟:鸟是自由、温和的象征,也被视作吉祥、幸福的象征。平安扣翡翠中常常选择鸟的形象,寓意自由自在、幸福快乐。

2.5 花卉:花卉是传统文化中常见的图案之一,代表着美好、吉祥和繁荣。平安扣翡翠中常常选择花卉的形象,寓意幸福、繁荣和祝福。



The meaning and styles of the Peace Button Jade with a minimum of 300 words

Peace Button Jade is an ancient and precious jade jewelry with special significance and certain characteristics in its designs. Below, let's introduce the meaning and styles of the Peace Button Jade in detail.

1. Meaning:

1.1 Peace: Peace is the core value that people have always pursued and one of the most important wishes in Chinese traditional culture. The Peace Button Jade implies peace and good health, hoping that the wearer can stay away from disasters and live a happy and healthy life.

1.2 Symbol: Jade is a traditional precious gemstone in China and is considered as the stone of auspiciousness. The design of Peace Button Jade often adopts symbolic objects such as auspicious animals and plants, such as dragons and phoenixes, peacocks, longevity characters, etc., symbolizing auspiciousness and blessings.

2. Styles:

2.1 Dragon and Phoenix: Dragon and phoenix are one of the totems of the Chinese nation and are regarded as symbols of auspiciousness. The Peace Button Jade often uses the images of dragon and phoenix in its designs, symbolizing nobility, power, and auspiciousness.

2.2 Peacock: Peacock is a beautiful and sacred animal, representing righteousness and beauty. Peace Button Jade frequently chooses the image of a peacock, symbolizing auspiciousness, beauty, and vitality.

2.3 Longevity characters: Longevity characters are an important symbol in Chinese traditional culture, representing longevity and happiness. The Peace Button Jade often designs buckles in the shape of longevity characters, symbolizing peace, happiness, and longevity.

2.4 Birds: Birds are symbols of freedom and gentleness and are also regarded as symbols of auspiciousness and happiness. The Peace Button Jade often chooses the image of birds, symbolizing freedom, happiness, and joy.

2.5 Flowers: Flowers are common patterns in Chinese traditional culture, representing beauty, auspiciousness, and prosperity. The Peace Button Jade often selects the image of flowers, symbolizing happiness, prosperity, and blessings.

In summary, Peace Button Jade is a jewelry with profound cultural implications, symbolizing the peace, happiness, and auspiciousness of the wearer. In terms of styles, it often chooses auspicious patterns such as dragons and phoenixes, peacocks, longevity characters, birds, and flowers, expressing people's good wishes. Whether it is worn by individuals or given as gifts, Peace Button Jade is a precious piece of jewelry with special significance.


头像 Phoenix 2023-08-18
头像 罗昭行 2023-08-18
翡翠平安扣吊坠寓意是什么 翡翠平安扣吊坠寓意着平安健康、圆满幸福、财源滚滚等。圆圆的外观造型加上流畅的线条,佩戴起来既可以提升佩戴者的气质,同时,也是一个很好的护身符。导读 关于翡翠平安扣有什么寓意,翡翠平安扣有什么寓意这个很多人还不知道,今天菲菲来为大家解答以上的保佑问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧。
头像 DennyW 2023-08-18
平安扣外圈是圆的,象征着辽阔天地混沌;内圈也是圆的,象征我们内心的平宁安远。 翡翠平安扣整体圆润顺畅寓意事业一帆风顺家庭圆满幸福,一切顺利圆满。
头像 山高水長 2023-08-18
除了翡翠平安扣作为首饰的重点外,还可以镶嵌其他珠宝玉石作为装饰,或者在平安扣上雕刻祥云、瑞兽等元素,显得十分贵气、优雅。 3招财造型 将多个平安扣串联在一起,除了表现平安外。最直接的寓意正如其名,就是要平平安安,保护每个佩戴者凡事平安健康的生活,这是历来最朴素的追求。 平安扣翡翠的形状是外圈是圆的,套着的内圈也是圆的。
头像 SherryLi禅玉 2023-08-18
头像 侧目不屑 2023-08-18
翡翠平安扣被称为怀古,罗汉眼,古人认为翡翠平安扣可以祛邪免灾,保出入平安,因此翡翠平安扣是传统的玉饰品,从翡翠平安扣的外型来看,翡翠平安扣看起来圆滑。平安扣翡翠含义有哪些 导读:平安扣又被称为怀古,在古代被当做护身符来使用,因其晶莹剔透的质地以及简单大方的外形,可以提高自身的气质和内涵。