How to write 'credit card overdue' in English? A comprehensive guide on expressing 'overdue' and its lication to credit cards.

编辑:捐躯殒首 2023-12-28 15:07:43



How to write 'credit card overdue' in English? A comprehensive guide on expressing 'overdue' and its lication to credit cards.





1. Late payment penalty: 违约金、滞纳金

2. Overdue charges: 因逾期产生的了吗费用

3. Penalty for non-compliance with payment terms: 违约金

4. Interest on late payment: 滞纳金





1. 滞纳金(Late payment fee):当债务人未按约定时间支付债务时,债权人可以要求支付一定比例的状况滞纳金。滞纳金通常以每日或每月的期数利率计算,并根据逾期天数进行累加。

2. 违约金(Penalty for non-performance):在一些情况下,合同中会明确约定各方逾期履行合同义务的三个月违约金。违约金多用于约合同履行方,以确保其按时履行合同义务。违约金通常是按合同金额的封信一定比例计算的取现。

3. 合同中约定的短信其他补偿费用:根据特定合同中的含义约定,逾期方可能需要承担其他费用或损失补偿。这可能包括合同履行方为债务人垫付的良好费用、由于逾期而产生的实际经济损失等。


“逾期费用”在法律行业中是指由于合同一方未能按时履行合同义务而导致的关于额外费用或损失补偿。常用的英文表达包括late payment penalty、overdue charges、penalty for non-compliance with payment terms和interest on late payment。逾期费用的计算通常取决于合同的管理约定,可能包括滞纳金、违约金和其他补偿费用。逾期费用的设定旨在促使各方按时履行合同义务,降低违约风险,并补偿由于逾期履行所带来的损失。


1. Introduction

In recent years, credit card delinquency has become a major issue, both domestically and internationally. Many credit card holders fail to make their payments on time, resulting in mounting debt and a negative impact on their credit score. As a consequence, credit card issuers often resort to legal actions to recover the outstanding amount. This article aims to discuss the process of credit card delinquency and the steps involved in filing a lawsuit against delinquent credit card holders.

2. Understanding Credit Card Delinquency

Credit card delinquency refers to the failure of a credit card holder to make the minimum payment on their outstanding balance by the due date. Normally, credit card companies provide a grace period of around 30 days for customers to make their payments. After this period, the cardholder is considered delinquent, and various consequences will follow.

3. Steps to Filing a Lawsuit

Step 1: Pre-litigation Actions

Before initiating a lawsuit, credit card issuers typically take several pre-litigation actions. These can include sending written notices to the delinquent cardholder, attempting to contact them via phone or email, and working with debt collection agencies to recover the payment.

Step 2: Reviewing the Cardholder Agreement

Credit card issuers carefully review the cardholder agreement to ensure that all terms and conditions are being met by both parties. If the cardholder has violated any terms, the issuer may proceed with legal action.

Step 3: Preparing the Lawsuit

Once all pre-litigation actions have been exhausted, the credit card issuer will hire an attorney and prepare the necessary documentation for the lawsuit. This includes gathering evidence of the cardholder's delinquency, such as credit card statements, payment records, and any correspondence between the issuer and the cardholder.

Step 4: Filing the Lawsuit

The credit card issuer or their attorney will file the lawsuit in the ropriate court. This typically requires completing various legal forms and paying the required filing fee.

Step 5: Serving the Defendant

After filing, the court will serve the defendant with a copy of the lawsuit and a summons, which informs them of the legal action being taken against them.

Step 6: Court Proceedings

Once the defendant has been served, they have a certain period to respond to the lawsuit. Failure to respond or ear in court may result in a default judgment in favor of the credit card issuer.

Step 7: Negotiations/Settlement

At any point during the court proceedings, the credit card issuer and the defendant can engage in negotiation or settlement discussions. This is often done to reach a mutually agreeable resolution and avoid going to trial.

Step 8: Trial

If negotiations fail, the case will proceed to trial. Both parties will present their arguments and evidence, and the court will make a judgment based on the merits of the case.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, credit card delinquency is a serious matter that can lead to legal action against delinquent cardholders. Credit card issuers go through a series of steps, from pre-litigation actions to filing a lawsuit, to recover the outstanding balance. It is crucial for credit card holders to understand their responsibilities and obligations to avoid falling into this situation.


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1. 获得授权:在使用他人照片之前,应当获得原作者的书面授权,确保获得合法权益。

2. 采用自有图片:如果无法获得授权,或者存在版权纠纷的风险,可以考虑使用自己拍摄或获得授权的图片,以确保不侵犯他人权益。

3. 使用免授权图片:在一些图片资源平台上,可以获得一些免费或者付费的图片授权,以合合法使用的要求。



1. 停止使用照片:在接到起诉通知后,应当立即停止使用该照片,并删除相关图文内容,以避免进一步扩大侵权行为。

2. 及时调解或解决:与侵权方进行积极的沟通,探讨可能的调解或解决方案,以避免进一步的法律纠纷。

3. 寻求法律援助:如情况复杂或无法达成调解,公众号运营者可以寻求专业的法律援助,以保护自身权益。






信用卡欠款(Credit Card Debt)是指个人或机构使用信用卡消费过程中所产生的贷款未还清的金额。随着信用卡在现代社会的普及和泛应用,信用卡欠款问题也日益突出,给个人和社会带来了多负面影响。







1. My credit card has expired. (我的信用卡已经过期。)

2. My credit card is no longer valid.(我的信用卡不再有效。)

3. My credit card is out of date.(我的信用卡已经过时。)

4. The expiration date on my credit card has passed.(我信用卡的有效期已过。)

5. I need to update my credit card information as it has expired.(我需要更新我的不能信用卡信息,因为它已过期。)


1. My credit card has reached its expiration date.(我的信用卡已到期。)

2. My credit card has become invalid.(我的信用卡已经无效。)

3. My credit card is no longer active.(我的信用卡已经失效。)

4. The validity of my credit card has expired.(我的信用卡已失效。)

5. My credit card is now unusable due to expiration.(由于过期,我的信用卡现在无法使用。)





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