
普洱茶知识专题2023-12-28 11:13:00



As a tea maker with 6 years of experience in the Pu'er tea field, I am excited to explore the subject of organic raw Pu'er tea from Jingmai Mountain. In this article, I will delve into the characteristics, benefits, and production process of this unique tea.

Firstly, let's talk about the origin of Jingmai Mountain. Located in the southwest of Yunnan Province, Jingmai is a famous mountain range where tea has been grown for over 1300 years. The area is blessed with a mild climate, fertile soil, and abundant rainfall, creating perfect conditions for tea cultivation. It is no surprise that the raw Pu'er tea from Jingmai Mountain has developed a special reputation for its quality and taste.

Now, let's explore the concept of organic raw Pu'er tea. Organic tea is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which means that it is free of harmful chemicals. Raw Pu'er tea, on the other hand, is tea that has undergone minimal processing. It is made by plucking fresh tea leaves and processing them into a compressed form, which is then aged for a certain period. And when combined, the result is an organic raw Pu'er tea that is full of flavor, health benefits, and a distinct aroma.

Jingmai Mountain's organic raw Pu'er tea is particularly special for several reasons. Firstly, it is crafted using a unique production process that emphasizes the preservation of the natural flavor and aroma of the tea. The tea leaves are carefully selected and processed by skilled craftsmen who have learned the art of tea-making from generation to generation. Secondly, organic raw Pu'er tea from Jingmai Mountain is known to contain a variety of antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Lastly, this tea is also said to have a relaxing effect on the mind and body, making it a perfect drink after a long day of work.

To produce Jingmai Mountain's organic raw Pu'er tea, the first step is the plucking of the fresh tea leaves. These leaves are then withered and fermented. After the fermentation process is complete, the leaves are then rolled and dried. Finally, the tea is aged for a certain period, which can range from a few months to several years, depending on the desired flavor profile.

In conclusion, organic raw Pu'er tea from Jingmai Mountain is a unique and delicious tea that is full of health benefits. The combination of organic farming practices and minimal processing results in a tea that is free of harmful chemicals, full of antioxidants, and much loved for its relaxing properties. As a tea maker with years of experience, I highly recommend trying Jingmai Mountain's organic raw Pu'er tea and experiencing the taste and aroma for yourself.














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