Yushi Mountn, located in the eastern part of China's Zhejiang Province, is a renowned Buddhist mountn that has been revered for centuries. This picturesque mountn is not only steeped in cultural significance but also holds immense spiritual importance for the local people. The mountn is named after the legendary Buddhist monk Yushi, who is believed to have attned enlightenment here over 1,600 years ago. The mountn is adorned with numerous temples and monasteries, each with its unique architecture and history. The most prominent of these is the Yushan Temple, which was built during the Tang dynasty and is considered one of the oldest and most beautiful temples in the region. Yushi Mountn symbolizes harmony between nature and man, as well as the spiritual journey towards enlightenment. It serves as a testament to China's rich cultural heritage and continues to attract millions of visitors every year.
道家认为翡翠具有避邪辟邪的作用,可以阻挡恶灵煞气和不利之物的侵扰。 缘分的人可选择佩戴具有避邪辟邪功能的翡翠。例如,若干翡翠饰品上镶嵌有道家符号和图案,如太极图、阴阳图等,这些可帮助缘分的人避开邪气,保持身心的平衡,增强灵性。
道家强调人与自然的和谐认为自然界万物相互依存、相互呼应。 在选择翡翠时,缘分的人可考虑与自身生肖、五行属性相关的翡翠。依据生肖和五行的属性,个人可以选择不同颜色和质地的翡翠来增强与自身属性的和谐。例如,属鼠的人可选择绿色的翡翠来增强财运属虎的人可选择红色的翡翠来激发勇气和激情。
道家认为翡翠具有守护的功能,能够保护佩戴者免受病、害、灾的侵扰。 缘分的人可选择佩戴有保护力量的翡翠,如佩戴镶嵌有龙、凤或其他神兽图案的翡翠。这些图案能够象征力量、祥瑞和好运,同时也给予佩戴者信心和勇气,使他们能够抵御外部的负面作用。