主页 > 茶叶 > 白茶



白茶 14℃

1. Lao Bai Xing: 老白星 is a well-known brand in the white tea industry. With a history of over 100 years, Lao Bai Xing is known for its high-quality white teas, particularly the Silver Needle and White Peony varieties. The brand uses traditional tea-making techniques, ensuring that the teas have a delicate flavor and aroma.

2. Fuding Bai Hao: 福鼎白毫 is another popular brand for white tea. Fuding, located in Fujian Province, is known as the hometown of white tea. Fuding Bai Hao specializes in producing white tea with a unique fruity and floral aroma. Their teas are hand-picked and carefully processed to preserve the natural flavors.

3. Zhenghe Bai Cha: 政和白茶 is a brand that specializes in Zhenghe white tea, which is a type of white tea produced in Zhenghe County, Fujian Province. Zhenghe Bai Cha is known for its slightly mellow and sweet taste, with a lingering fragrance. The brand follows strict quality control processes to ensure the tea leaves are picked at the optimal time and processed with care.

4. Yongchun Fo Shou: 永春佛手 is a brand that focuses on producing Fo Shou white tea from Yongchun County in Fujian Province. Fo Shou, which translates to \



头像 高凤 2023-09-29
品品香 买福建白茶选择品品香基本上不会错,成立时间早,产品线丰富,目前算是头部品牌之一。
头像 骚年称王 2023-09-29
头像 关雅荻 2023-09-29
头像 玉文 2023-09-29
头像 星星沉睡了 2023-09-29
如何区别白茶的普洱茶好坏 现在大家都喜欢喝白茶,但是市面上白茶品牌有很多,一不小心就容易买到劣质茶叶,花了冤枉钱,还不好喝,因此,判断茶叶的哪个优劣其重要。接下来。白茶属微发酵茶,是我国的六大茶类之一,满披白毫,如银似雪,由此而得名。白茶因茶树品种和原料要求的评价不同,又分为白毫银针、白牡丹、寿眉、贡眉四种。
头像 2023-09-29
大沁白茶 929 10 福茶业 931 以上白茶品牌榜名单由CN10/CNPP品牌数据研究部门通过资料收集整理大数据统计分析研究而得出,排序不分先后,仅提供给您参考。